On 1 April 2022, Pavel Soukup successfully defended his thesis on the "Role of habitat complexity and predation in the structuring of aquatic communities". It consisted of two published chapters (Soukup et al. 2022 WIREs Water and Mocq et al. 2021 J Anim Ecol) and one unpublished manuscript.

The thesis was reviewed by Dr. Eoin O'Gorman from the University of Exeter (UK) and Prof. Jaroslav Kobak from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (Poland). Both reviewers provided excellent feedback on Pavel's thesis.

We were also very happy that Eoin O'Gorman could come to Ceske Budejovice in person - the first international guest after two long covid-stricken years.

We thank Pavel for all his great contributions to the lab and wish him all the best in his continuing career as a high-profile high-school teacher! 


Examples of habitat complexity experiments run in our lab